138 months ago

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I Nominate This For The Next Winter Olympics - Anyone Else?

Motorcycle Skijoering

It has always bothered me that there's never any mechanical sports in the Olympics games, summer nor winter. Motorcycle racers are top athletes, so why wouldn't they be allowed to measure themselves against others every 4 years, and why wouldn't they be allowed to participate in kick-ass opening ceremonies? It's not fair, but the IOC can't seem to find a motorcycle sport that could be used for any of the Olympics games.

Well, I beg to differ. Back in 1928 at the Winter Games of St. Moritz, Switzerland, they held a horse-skiing race as demonstration. What they did was use a horse to pull a skier, making it a trial for both horse rider, horse and skier. Very noble. Very exiting.

Well, believe it or not, the sport cam from Sweden and Norway, and is called Skijoering. The clever Scandinavians knew that horses or, as originally used dogs, would have a difficult time in their climate, so they substituted horse with motorcycles............

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