
78 months ago

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Celebrate Freedom – Why Divorcees Buy Motorbikes

A lot of people can attest to the fact that a lot of people going through a divorce reward themselves with an impulsive purchase of something adventurous and expensive. Motorcycles have been a hit not only with newly divorced men but with women as well. Here are some of the reasons why you should get a motorcycle for yourself, too, after your divorce.

Women riders

A lot of women divorcees have ended their marriages due to physical and psychological abuse. Their husbands can be too controlling and belittles their capabilities. They have been told for a number of years that they are not smart enough or not strong enough. All these bullying can be a massive blow to a woman’s self-esteem. Getting a motorcycle gives them a sense of meaning and accomplishment. Motorcycle riding can be empowering for women because motorcycles are too big and heavy. There are not many women riders and being one of the few who are able to do so can give you a huge self-confidence boost.

Men riders

For men going through a divorce, owning a motorcycle helps them reclaim their masculinity. Child Support Net may be a man’s world out there but in the homes, everyone knows women rules. A lot of men go through divorce because they feel emasculated by their wives at home. They also feel obligated and pressured to give up on their dreams and hobbies because they have to prioritize their families. Getting a motorcycle after a divorce helps them celebrate the freedom from these constraints plus it is a boost of testosterone. With just child support to worry about now, they can get the freedom to do whatever they want without being tied down. Getting a motorcycle is also like buying back their youth and long bike rides are like making up for all the times they lost and sacrifice.

The feeling of being in control

Divorce proceedings can be harsh and you may feel like you are slowly losing control of your life. Getting a motorcycle appeals to divorcees because everything about it is all about taking control. You have to balance and be one with your motorcycle that means you are in the lead when it comes to controlling yourself and your actions when it comes to going out for a ride.

Block out divorce drama with focus

When you are driving a motorcycle, you need to stay focus on the road and pay more attention to your surroundings. It helps clear your mind out – no frustrating thoughts about your ex, no worries about financial loss, and no berating yourself over things that you could have done. All you have to do is concentrate on driving and enjoying the scenery.

Nothing makes you feel more alive than a surge of adrenalin. So why not celebrate your newfound freedom by getting yourself a motorcycle? Aside from the freedom of being on the road with everything in your control, motorcycle riding opens up a whole new and different social circle for you. Who knows, your new partner may just be a ride away.

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