city biker blog

137 months ago

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You too can ride like an asshat…in Brazil

We're not afraid of speed here, and we're even fans of some less-than-legal stunts, like those pulled off by European street racers (the Black Prince, Ghost Rider).  And we think lane splitting should be legal here the way it is in California and the rest of the world.  But this here…is pure asshat riding. He (assuming it's a he) is a danger to himself, and at these speeds, a danger to other people on the road, AND…this requires no actual riding skill, just a penchant for antisocial risk taking behavior.  Now we're not ones to point the finger, but consider this finger pointed.  Meu, you're giving riders a bad name.  Chill out and enjoy your above 15 degree weather.  Cheers.

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