135 months ago

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Patent: Ride Motorcycle Without A Helmet But Still Protected

Patent Protective Head Cover

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#Patent #Helmetless - For those places in the world where you are allowed to ride your motorcycle without a helmet, many biker still hesitate. You love the feeling of riding without a helmet, wind blowing through your hair and in your face, but what happens if you do fall? Also, if you're riding in the sun, your head is going to get toasted.

Patent US20130042395 A1 filed in 2011 by Randy Litterini should put a stop to that. The patent is for a "Protective Head Cover Liner", and what that means is that with this patent applied to traditional headgear, like baseball caps, cowboy hats, bowler hats, etc your head will be able to take a knock without scrambling your brains...........

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