
92 months ago

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When it's raining outside and you are on the bike...

Burlington, North Carolina, United States

How far will you go to keep her dry?

dry and safe from the hail storm that just rolled through...

dry and safe from the hail storm that just rolled through...

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92 months ago

Hail storm? Yeek!


As for other people hitting puddles, I have one (hyphenated) word for you - Gore-Tex. It's brilliant.


92 months ago

It was a little wet out but I rode it home. The worse part where the asshats in the other lane hitting the puddles lol. Like i wasn't wet enough


92 months ago

Yeah kind of debating on leaving it at work and catching a ride home with a coworker. Radar looks a little nasty. Thanks for the heads up


92 months ago

@jasonisdn Im about 30 mins from you in Pleasant Garden and it is pretty nasty out there and heading your way, along with more still on its way. Ride safe.