
84 months ago

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60 minutes and counting

Williams, United States

I'm 60 minutes away from embarking on my summer ride. Our destination is Key West Florida. We're making scheduled stops in Savannah Ga for some historic site seeing. Then we head to Orlando, to visit Ace Cafe Orlando and to visit the mouse for a few days. After that, we'll ride through the cattle farms and orange groves in route to Key West. On the way home, we plan to hit Murrell's Inlet to meet up with the boys from the Loud Pipes podcast for dinner at Suck Bang Blow. After that we will meander back to Eastern Pa.

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84 months ago

@zyonsdream Enjoy


84 months ago

@allworld. We are on the road for about a week and a half. Estimating 3500 to 4000 miles.


84 months ago

How long will you be on the road? How many miles?


84 months ago

Can't wait to meet up, I'm well overdue for a good ride!