
86 months ago

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Self Driving Cars and the Future of Motorcycling: Will You Be Allowed To Ride?

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Have you ever sat down and thought what the future of motorcycling looks like?

Motorcycling in the future probably will not look like this

Motorcycling in the future probably will not look like this

I’m not talking here about whether we’ll all be riding some battery powered variant of what you have today (you will; it’s not if but when), or if we’ll all be riding around on speeder bikes like Storm Troopers on Endor (yes please). No, what I am talking about is will you even be allowed to ride?

Before you accuse me of scaremongering, bear with me for a few minutes: Self driving cars are coming and I can see them being both a good thing and a bad thing.

Look, Ma. No Hands!

Look, Ma. No Hands!

Why Self Driving Cars are good for motorcycles

How many times have you been nearly hit by someone who SMIDSY’d you? I’ve lost count of the times I’ve heard that cheery “Sorry, Mate. I Didn’t See You” as I pull up alongside a car and I explain why the driver needs to put down their cellphone. Or stop at the intersection and look. Or just plain wake up. Self driving cars, are going to change all that.

The average car driver where I live

The average car driver where I live

SMIDSYs especially at T-junctions are the second most common cause of motorcycle accidents. Cars, pulling out of the intersection frequently don’t see us because we are small and faster than the driver is anticipating. But a computer, trained to look for that sort of thing, can only be better.

SMIDSY - Thing of the past with self driving cars?

SMIDSY - Thing of the past with self driving cars?

Let’s face it, most people are actually crap at driving. I think George Carlin put it best when he said, “Anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac”. Everyone behind the wheel overestimates their capabilities, and yes, that also includes you and I.

It should be pretty obvious: Almost the entire adult population drives. Is there anything that the entire adult population is good at? I can’t think of anything.

Personally, I think most people will be quite happy to buy a car that can drive them wherever they need to go, because that way they can do other things. Kids will cram in extra homework on the way to school, business people will prepare for client meetings, and (more common in my neighbourhood) people will drive around speaking on cellphones whilst trying to simultaneously eat a donut and drink very nasty coffee. Or just drink a beer at 9am like I saw the other day.

And then there’s the congestion. We as motorcyclists shouldn’t have to suffer this. We can lane split. Or use a bus lane, and progressive states have already figured this out: If you’ve ever ridden in California or Europe, you’ll know what I mean.

On their own, increasing motorcycle usage makes roads better. In Belgium one study suggested that a 10% shift from cars to motorcycles improved commute times by 40% for everyone

A graphic of examples making congestion better in Thailand

A graphic of examples making congestion better in Thailand

A new study suggests that moving only 10% of cars to self-driving could also reduce traffic congestion by avoiding those “human” mistakes, such as lane chopping, acceleration lag, etc.

Once cars are under computer control, there’s no reason to increase road speeds. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can respond much faster to adverse conditions--which is the ultimate factor legislating road speeds we today.

As AI takes over navigation, cars will stick even more predictably to the main roads, leaving the often more interesting back roads to us.

The AI promise is big. Not only will we be able to improve congestion and travel time, but decrease pollution and accidents, too.

With all that, I think it’s fairly clear that the only logical choice for governments will be to conclude that some people are no longer allowed to drive. Over time, I’m sure that will become no-one is allowed to drive.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla is slightly biased, said this: “You can’t have a person driving a two-tonne death machine”. When you consider bad drivers today, you have to admit, he has a point.

Why self-driving cars are bad for motorcycles

That idea that no-one will be allowed to drive will put motorcycles in an odd position.

We riders will become the primary liability on the road. Yes, autonomous cars will be able to see us better and avoid us more readily, but we will become the unpredictable factors. How long before people start saying, “You can’t have a person driving a two-hundred kilogram death machine," especially when they get in the way of AI cars? In many places, government and driver attitudes already make it feel like motorcycles could be legislated off major highways dominated by self-driving vehicles.

Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe, bikes will be the one refuge for those looking for an escape from the automated future of the cage.

Maybe motorcycles will finally be allowed to lane split, once authorities trust that self-driving cars can 'looking' before changing lanes.

Lane splitting: Why are we waiting?

Lane splitting: Why are we waiting?

The proliferation of self-driving vehicles can also lead to a greater usage of motorcycles on closed courses or off-road.

It would require land, and someone willing to build the facility. I, for one, hope it happens. With electric bikes, we can have inner city motocross tracks at last. Nothing quite matches the feeling of being able to ride a bike and I never want to stop.

I’m sure at least one company will build a self-driving motorcycle, or overrides your driving and takes over when you do something stupid or wander into danger--but do we really want that?

Hunter S. Thompson, once famously said of motorcycling “Faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death”. Would it still be motorcycling without that fear? Isn’t it just a fairground ride at that point? Then again, Hunter Thompson also mentioned something about the drugs kicking in around Barstow and begin buzzed by bats, so maybe it’s OK.

Besides, with ABS and engine management anyway, aren't we half way there already? Is avoidance management any worse?

Self Driving Motorcycles - It's just a car with two wheels

Self Driving Motorcycles - It's just a car with two wheels

The self-driving apocalypse or a golden age for motorcycles?

That, my friends, is the real question. Most of what I’ve said so far is a guess; my personal opinion, and now you want me to tell you when it’s going to happen so you can sell your bike?

I don’t think it will be that soon. BMW said they’ll have a full, level-five self-driving car in a few years. But that’s a high end, brand new vehicle.

I remember reading that it takes 7-8 years for half the cars in the market to be replaced. Given that technology needs to trickle down to lower-end models, I predict that mass market “you can no longer drive” type penetration is 15-20 years away.

The good point about all of this is that if I'm right, and that a few self-driving cars make the roads better, we have a window where road usage is about to get way more fun. Higher speeds, less congestion and safer access mean motorcycling may just be about to hit a new golden age.

And who doesn’t want that?

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81 months ago

Can I put a bar in my self-driving car, @alex?


83 months ago

@allworld - I tend to agree that drones will be the future of at least light delivery limited to what I call a  "last mile" solution. But if I can get an air bike (didn't Sergei Brin recenty show one he was investing in), I'll take one of those for sure. 

And I tend to agree with your definition of accidents / crash - then again both words do sounds pretty harsh to my ear and it would just be easier if I never had to talk about either


83 months ago

This is a good article, and is perhaps a glimps of the future, but it doen't factor in drones.

I think the furture of transpotation will be, less on  wheels, and more in the air, even if it is less than 30 feet off the ground.

IMO, "accident" is an unfurtunite common term, more often it's a "crash" where an accident would imply no one is at fault, and a crash is the result of someone at fault.


84 months ago

Thanx Alex, great article. Interesting points and comments. Yes properly used tech can be a good thing but it can become invasive, overpowering and in some ways restrictive. If we didn't have cell phones and GPS maybe we wouldn't have so many distracted drivers. But that doesn't mean I'm giving mine up. I like my toys too! I guess in a few hundred years our times will be looked back upon as either good show, or what were they thinking.

Also a bit nostalgic and made me think of this song from RUSH_ - Moving Pictures, Red Barchetta; _

". . . from a better, vanished time
Fire up the willing engine, responding with a roar!
Tires spitting gravel, I commit my weekly crime…

Wind in my hair –
Shifting and drifting –
Mechanical music
Adrenalin surge –

Well-weathered leather
Hot metal and oil
The scented country air
Sunlight on chrome
The blur of the landscape
Every nerve aware . . ."



86 months ago

self-driving motorcycle: a contradiction in terms


86 months ago


Good article as always Alex.  I think the insurance companies are trying to gouge riders off the roads already.

I agree that once there are autonomous vehicles, motorcycling will probably be the only (or one of very few) options to experience true motoring/driving in Canada.

Fortunately there are lots of other places on the planet to explore!!




86 months ago

@Agent3012 - fair point and I agree, but I'm also in favour of stricter licensing standards (in Canada, the driving test is a joke) and a return to only permitting stick drive cars.

Ultimately, as you say the number of 42%. I view that as being totally avoidable.


86 months ago

@alex As something like 42% of motorcycle accidents involve left-turning cars, I still think collision avoidance driver assist will be the best thing to happen to us in the meantime. 

As most of these systems use camera-based systems, we should be working with car manufacturers to ensure those systems are better able to "watch out for motorcycles" when drivers don't.

Maybe that should be your next article: contacting the major car manufacturers to speak with their driver assistance developer teams about how they detect motorcycles. Maybe even see if you can convince one or more of them to provide a demonstration with a ESR motorcycle.


86 months ago

@Agent3012 - Pish. I'm never giving up my bike, but I see your point. It's going to take a while.


86 months ago

@alex Alas, you and I will both be too old to ride by the time self-driving cars have taken over the roads to the point where police presence is no longer needed. 

If anything, I could imagine pushbacks from small towns in the US that generate a good deal of law enforcement income on the lone highway that serves as a speed trap for their town.


86 months ago

@Agent3012 @TimHuber @marina @Gonads90 @shylesh107 @Nick303 @teramuto - Just thought of another advantage to self-driving cars. If they exist, and they are all programmed to go the limit, then there'll be no need for police to enforce speed limits, especially as bikes are a small minority on the roads

Not that I condone speeding. Just saying, is all...


86 months ago

@marina @alex Keep in mind that motorcyclists don't need for self-driving cars to take over the road to benefit from the technology.

The push towards self-driving vehicles has improved the tech to the point where driver assist modules are quickly becoming standard in most mid to high-end vehicles. 

As collision-avoidance braking systems and blind spot warning devices become commonplace, they make the more common two-vehicle accidents.

We just need to pressure motorcycle organizations and manufacturers to start working with car companies to ensure those driver-assist systems can detect motorcycles as well as they do cars.

That said, motorcyclists as a whole tend to be tech-adverse. Look at how much pushback ABS standardization still gets in North America.


86 months ago

@marina the need for a complex riding mode seems wildly unnecessary when a simple plastic cruise control device will do the trick, it's just one more thing that can go wrong. In the next decade we will start seeing all these trick tech features in cars made today starting to crap out which will hopefully make people rethink the overall impact of owning a vehicle with electronic assists. I feel like I made my stance on the matter pretty clear with my "rise of rider assist" article that touches on some similar topics


86 months ago

I'm okay with self-driving cars if it means I'm safer on the roads. That leaves room for lane splitting; hallelujah!

I can imagine doing the super long stretch on the bike between Montreal and Quebec City resulting in hours of straight highway. I'd be okay with switching my motorcycle into auto-pilot mode. Finally a mode I want: You have your street mode, you have rain mode, I need straight-road mode that I can switch off when I reach the back roads.

What's your take? @timhuber @teramuto @champers @jordan @Agent3012 @YoshiNakatani @Drewck


86 months ago

@shylesh107 - Important to remember that Tesla's autopilot is not actually considered a full self-driving car. It's intended to augment the driver, not replace them, and it's made clear when you engage it. 


Also, I've no idea how many miles Tesla has driven under auto-pilot, but AFAIK, it's a lot. And for that "lot" there's been very few accidents with it. Less than had humans been holding the wheel


86 months ago

@Gonads90 There's a good variety of platforms, all of which have different ways of "looking" from radar, camera's and even sonar. 

All of which is to say that as the sensors are always on, as far as I can tell, they will be infinitely better than car drivers who in my experience never look anyway.


86 months ago

Still like to know how the anti-collision gear on these cars are going to handle lane splitting.