
135 months ago

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Harley Davidson marketing screwup?

I ran across this campaign the other day:

Did Harley really think this through?

Did Harley really think this through?

Now, I get they like to sell themselves on the idea that a big machine is the mark of manliness. Most of the industry does the same. It's why litrebikes continue to sell despite the fact you can never use all that power on the roads and you're probably better on a 600.

But did Harley really need to call into question rider's manhoods? Is Harley really suggesting this is a penis transplant? And if I ride another bike (which I do) is it suggesting I'm OK with the size of my tackle and that only Harley riders have insecurity?

The website that goes with this - - is hardly any better. The "rider" looks like he's bored to death and quite possibly has fowled his own jeans. And why is he standing in the middle of his road, with his motorcycle parked sideways? He really is a new rider...

On the other hand, it's great to see Harley trying to encourage new ridership, even if their idea of a "perfect" starter bike is the 122bhp V-Rod...

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135 months ago

Actually I think @nick303 is right.


135 months ago

Perhaps this IS actually aimed at women? πŸ˜‰


135 months ago

@alex your self restraint is noted and appreciated. πŸ™‚


135 months ago

@SnowDuc - I could think of any number of offensive replies - I'm going to skip all of them and just say it looks like it.


135 months ago

so they've given up on selling to women completely, then?