
30 months ago

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Women Bikers Aiming to Smash World Record

Starts: Jul 24, 2022 Ends: Jul 24, 2022 42 Hollycroft, England, United Kingdom

If you’re already looking forward to the summer here in the Northern Hemisphere (I know I am) and are planning how to spend vacation days, here’s something you can put on your calendar now. How would you like to be part of a world record attempt? Sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it? 

All you need to do is show up with your bike and be female. That’s it. It’s all you need to do. I should mention at this point that you also need to be in the UK because that’s where everything takes place.

Female motorcyclists will gather at the Triumph factory to attempt a world record. Triumph photo

Female motorcyclists will gather at the Triumph factory to attempt a world record. Triumph photo

Now without rambling on any longer I’ll let you know what the event is. It’s the World’s Largest Female Biker Meet scheduled for Sunday, July 24. It’s a joint event hosted by Moto Advisor and Triumph Motorcycles at Triumph’s Factory Visitor Experience in Hinckley, UK.

It’s open to everyone, men are welcome too. They just have to park in a separate lot and their numbers aren’t counted toward the record attempt.

They set the current record of 1,132 back in 2017 but are looking to smash that number with at least 2,000 participants.

It sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun with live music, stands, food and drinks, plus a raffle. Proceeds are going to Air Ambulance and Blood Bikers with a third charity to be named later.

At this point there are all 522 confirmed attendees on Facebook.

You might even get to be on TV as the BBC will be there filming, so don’t forget to wave and say “Hi, Mom!”

The World’s Largest Female Biker Meet should be a great time. Triumph photo

The World’s Largest Female Biker Meet should be a great time. Triumph photo

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