
133 months ago

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Flight 93 Memorial

scenic/reststop Shanksville, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Flight 93 crashed into a field in Somerset County, PA during the attacks of September 11, 2001. In the 12 years since then, the United States government is still slowly building a memorial dedicated to the victims who died in the crash.

Located along US-30, otherwise known as Lincoln Highway, the Flight 93 Memorial offers a scenic rest in the middle of the Pennsylvania's Appalachian Mountain region.

The Flight 93 Memorial is free to visit, but opens up at 9:00 AM.

The best eats nearby is found at Sunshine Family Diner in downtown Central City, PA, about 8.5 miles to the north east along Highway 160. A true "mom and pop" restaurant, enjoy great home cooked meals for breakfast and lunch at cheap prices.

For more photos and information, visit:

Flight 93 Memorial Entrance Sign

Flight 93 Memorial Entrance Sign

Flight 93 Memorial Wall

Flight 93 Memorial Wall

Sunshine Family Diner, Central City, PA

Sunshine Family Diner, Central City, PA

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