
3 months ago

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Kovalam Beach

Scenic/RestStop 9XGP+XC7 Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India

Kovalam is a beach and seaside resort in the city of Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala, India. Kovalam is located 12.6 km (7.8 mi) southeast of the city center. The beaches around Kovalam are popular vacation destinations for both domestic and international travellers.

Kovalam Beach offers a traveller a variety of bewitching experiences

Every destination has that one signature spot that is often synonymous with the land itself. For Thiruvananthapuram, there might be a few including the splendid Legislative Assembly or Secretariat buildings, the East Fort or Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple. However, one spot that truly attracts millions of leisure seekers to this shore is the pristine Kovalam beach. A perfect medley of idyllic beauty, rejuvenation, fun, entertainment and culture, Kovalam Beach offers a traveller a variety of bewitching experiences.

This mind-blowing beach comprises of three parts – the Lighthouse Beach, Hawah Beach, and Samudra Beach. Each of these beaches offers a traveller uniquely amazing experiences. The lighthouse beach is a bustling centre of attraction with many beach and water sporting activities like parasailing, surfing and jet skiing. Hawah Beach, which is also popularly known as Eve’s Beach is relatively calmer and a great spot to enjoy swimming in a peaceful setting. Samudra Beach is the most secluded of the three and is an ideal spot to lie down, relax and rejuvenate.

There are several restaurants and eateries along the coast that serve the best of local and international cuisines. There are plenty of shopping avenues and if you wish to undergo some traditional Ayurvedic therapies, Kovalam offers the finest of that too.

Beach and Light House

Beach and Light House

Kovalam Beach

Kovalam Beach

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3 months ago

Very nice.