
89 months ago

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Magog, Eastern Townships, Quebec

scenic/reststop 503 Rue Principale Ouest, Magog, Québec, Canada

When exploring the Eastern Townships by motorcycle, you will stop at Magog. The small tourist town on the Magog River is charming with a long boardwalk sporting a splendor of sidewalk cafés, shops and restaurants. From any vantage point you'll see motorcycles converging from all corners.

Magog is about 120 kilometres (75 mi) east of Montreal at the confluence of Lake Memphremagog—after which the city was named.

Along the boardwalk you may spot the Memphré, a legendary water creature spotted in the area for more than 200 years.

Just a few minutes out of town, go for a walk among great cedar trees to explore unspoilt nature along the free access trails at the Marais de la Rivière aux Cerises marsh. Enter from chemin Roy or from la rue du Moulin. For nearby vineyards check out the Route des Vins de l’Estrie wine route.

While Magog is great to visit anytime, to get the most out of your trip, avoid weekends.

Magog, les Cantons de l'est

Magog, les Cantons de l'est

Magog, Eastern Townships, Quebec

Magog, Eastern Townships, Quebec

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