
144 months ago

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Ogdensburg-Prescott Bridge - Avoid this place

other Ogdensburg-Prescott International Bridge, Ontario, Canada

If you're crossing from Ontario to New York (or vice versa) there aren't too many options, but given the choice, I'd avoid this one. The problem is not the location but the fact it's a huge bridge that has metal plate instead of tarmac for a road surface. I went across it the other day and constantly felt like the bike was going down.

OK, it didn't help that that it was wet and a little windy, but even in the summer, I think i'd go via Ganonoque instead.

Oh, and even though the sign says $2.75 for cars, they charge the same price for bikes. If you're into fear responses, this might be the cheapest one you can buy



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96 months ago

@wunderlust - I'm completely happy with the rear sliding in the dirt on my KTM. Less so when it's a fully laden adventure tourer with full on-road tires. 

But agreed, it's a great way to avoid the line-ups.


96 months ago

An alternate view...  If you are comfortable riding on loose gravel (which gives a similar "loose" feeling as the metal grates on the bridge), this bridge is a great way to avoid the lines of traffic at the Hill Island crossing.

And as PicRR says, it does make for a great view of the St. Lawrence River.


130 months ago mention, the wind can be the bigger problem.


130 months ago

I road that bridge once on 80/20 dual sport knobbies. Not again. Not too bad on my ST1300 as long as I keep a light grip on the bars and let the front wheel drift where it wants to go. Don't try to fight it too much.


135 months ago

@PicRR - you're a braver man than I. Maybe it was just the wet, but I really did not feel good over this one


135 months ago

It is cool looking at the water WAAAAYYY below your feet. Was stuck at a temporary red light in the middle of the bridge due to repairs two years ago. Great view!!


144 months ago

@marina - I can honestly say you would not have made it.


144 months ago

Ok I'm glad that wasn't me crossing the bridge - Yoewwwch