
113 months ago

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- Route

5000 Ft to 12500 in a Afternoon

Distance: 349.1 Km / 217.5 Mi Duration: 05:27:59

See The White Caps in the background? Thats Fall River Pass

See The White Caps in the background? Thats Fall River Pass

11,500 Ft

11,500 Ft

12,000 ft Rocky Mountain National Park

12,000 ft Rocky Mountain National Park







This will Take you From Lyons, Colorado to Estes Park. The into Rocky Mountain Notional Park to 12,500 @ Fall River Pass and back through the most incredible scenery the USA could offer. Take $20 to get your park entry.

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97 months ago

Road this in the rain last week and it was still amazingly beautiful. Rainbow curve had a huge rainbow at the time. (Imagine that...)


98 months ago

@goldwing50 Falls River Pass looks incredible. Your route will be added to the featured stories!


98 months ago

@marina I'm glad you enjoyed it. This ride is my zen


98 months ago

Terrific route, thanks for posting!