
87 months ago

 - via web

- Route

A pleasant ride.

Distance: 38.3 Km / 23.8 Mi Duration: 00:39:46

Just a relaxing ride.

Mail Pouch Barn

Mail Pouch Barn

M4 Sherman

M4 Sherman



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87 months ago

It could be an 'Easy Eight'. I look forward to hearing what you find out.


87 months ago

@maxwell60 My one friend thinks it may be an M4A3E8. I don't know enough about them to speak on the matter, but did notice the variant with the trucks when I was trying to figure out what it was with Google image searches.

Next time I'm riding past, I'm going to stop and ask (as well as get some better pictures). It's at a VFW, so I'm hoping someone knows about it.


87 months ago

Hi, nice photos. Your Sherman appears to be a M4A3 version with 76mm gun and HVSS suspension