
130 months ago

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- Route

Bunbury to Donnybrook

Distance: 38.3 Km / 23.9 Mi Duration: 00:32:49

This is how I start most of my runs when I'm heading south. It's a great way to get to Donnybrook without using the main hi way. It's a great road to warm you and your bike up and to see how you and bike are working together. While I do love this bit of road take a little care if its your first time. Some of the bends can catch you out and if there has been a storm or strong winds in the area you can get a bit of crap on the road. One particular sharp left bend to watch out for is just before a large fruit shed which you will see on your right, this is a good mark to brake as this bend has caught me out a few times and I know the road or is it just that I'm a bloody slow learner. All in all this is a good road with little traffic and some great bends. It took me 32 minutes while the total distance was 38.2 km. I hope you enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

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130 months ago

Little traffic + great bends = thank you for adding the route!