
86 months ago

 - via iOS

- Route

bypassed I-82; nearly dumped it

Distance: 245.2 Km / 152.8 Mi Duration: 03:27:47

I have to go to the Tri-Cities today. I decided to take the road next to the freeway. It's something I've always wanted to do, but never got around to doing.

I'm planning a track day in a couple of weeks, so I decided to get some practice in. I found a 30mph turn and saw I was going <40. I hit the throttle, wanting to try 45mph. I think I hit 50 when I hit the turn, and I just kept accelerating from there. I came out doing 70! I swung waaay wide into the other lane. I'd made sure there was no traffic before I attempted the turn (otherwise, I'd have aborted before I started). I think I did at least 5 SRs there. Time to call Keith again!

Along Bofer Canyon Road

Along Bofer Canyon Road

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