
94 months ago

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- Route

Cape Kloofing - Bain's and Du Toit's

Distance: 201.4 Km / 125.5 Mi Duration: 04:51:21

Recommend this route for tourers and bikes that can soak up bumps well. Bain's is very bumpy, Superbike's not recommended unless your suspension is super plush. You'll enter via Wellington and as soon as you make your way up Bain's you'll start feeling surface change. You'll find Kalabash Bush Pub as you're exit Bain's, which is good spot for lunch/breakfast and to chat to other bikers. Follow road through to Worcester if you require fuel (or slice through Goudini/Rawsonville for a more scenic ride if fuel permits you to make it back to Cape Town side of N1) and head back via Trout farm (perhaps a stop?) in between the mountains and then back over Du Toit's. Du Toit's is very much Superbike friendly so enjoy the twisty stuff. Watch out for baboons sitting in the road. Good view points for pics on the way down into Wellington.

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78 months ago

I need to do this route! But I'd like to go through Franshoek as well...