
99 months ago

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Caracas to Bahia de Cata, Venezuela

Distance: 189.6 Km / 118.2 Mi Duration: 03:49:20

From Centro Ciudad Comercial Tamanaco in Caracas to Bahia de Cata.

Baha de Cata, Venezuela

Baha de Cata, Venezuela

It is a roughly 3 Hours ride that starts at a Caracas’ mall (or any suitable meeting point). The first 84 miles are usually on “Autopista Regional del Centro”, all the way to Maracay. It is a decent highway, without almost any speed limit enforcement. I dare somewhere close to 135 MPH, some of my friends can do more. Then you leave the highway, cross town (Maracay, El Limón) and start crossing what is known as Rancho Grande. That is the National Park Henry Pitier. That is a narrow and twisted mountain road, some 34 miles of a very demanding ride. The reward is one of the most beautiful bay you can see. Fresh fish, cold beer, beach and sun. Basic services, but they are used to bikers, as it is a popular destination. For a small fee, you can park your bike at seaside, and get a fresh water shower, to wash out salt and sand, so you don’t have to wear protective gear with dirty skin, risking a rush. Take cash, the use of plastic is limited. Never ride Rancho Grande at night or raining. The road is extremely slippery when wet.

Mi amigo Leo con su moto / My Friend Leo with his bike

Mi amigo Leo con su moto / My Friend Leo with his bike

Old Bikers at the beach

Old Bikers at the beach

Es un paseo de aproximadamente 3 horas, la ruta comienza en un Centro Comercial (o cualquier sitio adecuado de reunión). Los primeros 133 Km, se hacen por la Autopista Regional del Centro, hasta Maracay. Está en condiciones decentes y no hay, en la práctica, ningún control de velocidad. Yo me atrevo hasta unos 215 KPH, alguno de mis amigos hacen más. Aquí dejas la autopista, cruzas la ciudad (Maracay, El Limón) y empiezas a cruzar lo que se conoce como Rancho Grande, el Parque Nacional Henry Pitier. Es una carretera de montaña estrecha y con muchísimas curvas, 54 Km de una conducción muy exigente. La recompensa es una de las bahías más bellas que puedas visitar. Pescado fresco, cerveza fría, playa y sol. Servicios básicos, pero están acostumbrados a los moteros, por ser un paseo popular. Por una pequeña suma, puedes estacionar la moto cerca de la playa, y hasta darte una ducha con agua dulce para quitarte la sal y la arena, y no tener que ponerte la ropa de protección sin lavarte, arriesgando una irritación en la piel. Se necesita efectivo ya que el uso de plástico es limitado. Nunca se debe cruzar Rancho Grande de noche o cuando llueve. La carretera es extremadamente resbaladiza cuando está húmeda.

Bike Parking

Bike Parking

Two generation of bikers enjoying the beach

Two generation of bikers enjoying the beach

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99 months ago

Was in this ride with Marino, motorcycles are going faster than cars but not cose of regulation jejejeje. But this group goes fast on twisted curve. Not professional riders but somehow experts on this. @EatSleepRide


99 months ago

@EatSleepRIDE Cars don't reach those speeds, as traffic don't allow such freedom. Remember lane sharing. It is technically forbidden, but in fact permitted.

Soon I will publish another route (highway to the est) where you can go even faster, and, early in the morning at weekend, even cars reach very high speeds. Once I was going 125 MPH and I had a Toyota Corolla tailing me very hard (good driver, indeed).