
126 months ago

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- Route

Cotter Dam

Distance: 22.0 Km / 13.7 Mi Duration: 00:17:10


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126 months ago

It was just a test but... Here the problem is kangaroos especially after five pm. They are everwhere and always does what it shouldnt. Once, two parrots was up to hit me also. At dusk drive your visor would fill with any kind flies.


126 months ago

What does it look like from ground level? Any wildlife you have to dodge? In Canada, other than usual road critters like skunks, racoons, squirrels and the like there are the occasional deer or even moose if you are in the wilds. A stationary moose and a moving motorcycle will ruin your day. So it isn't safe to ride at dusk or after dark in some places. Then there's mosquitoes and blackflies...