
115 months ago

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Davis Mountains Scenic Motorcycle Ride, Texas

Distance: 153.8 Km / 95.8 Mi Duration: 01:43:55

Texas State Highway 17 - North of Fort Davis

Texas State Highway 17 - North of Fort Davis

This motorcycle route, travels through the beautiful scenery of the Davis Mountains in West Central Texas, featuring countless sweepers—and a few twisties—along the way.

View of Davis Mountains from Texas State Highway 118

View of Davis Mountains from Texas State Highway 118

Starting in in Fort Davis, this ride will take you first westbound Texas State Highway 118. After about 20 miles, you’ll find the McDonald Observatory, one of the world’s leading centres for astronomical research— worth a visit. Continue westbound until you reach the intersection with Hwy 166, then head back and go eastbound along Hwy 18, after passing Fort Davis, continue northbound onto Hwy 17 until you hit the Interstate 10, where you’ll find the end of the motorcycle route.


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