
127 months ago

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EG - 2013 Cross Egypt Challenge Scooter Rally in 2,400 km

Distance: 2355.0 Km / 1467.3 Mi Duration: 29:21:14

Cross Egypt Challenge is a series of endurance scooter rides aiming to promote tourism, alternative sports, and alternative means of transportations in Egypt. The rally is about 50 riders, covering 2,500 km in 9 days on 150cc + scooters.

Rest stop, Cross Egypt Challenge

Rest stop, Cross Egypt Challenge

What you see here is the 2013 route. The ride started from Alexandria to Cairo, Egypt's famous capital in 225 km. From Cairo to Bahareya Oasis in 365 km. Bahareya Oasis to Farafra Oasis 185 km. Farafra Oasis to Dakhla Oassis in 275 km. From Dakhla Oassis to Kharga Oassis 225 km. Kharga Oassis to Luxor 350 km. From Luxor to Hurghada in 290 km. From Hurghada to Sokhna in 330 km. And finally Sokhna back to Cairo in 155 km.

Sign up for next year's ride here:

Baby wheelie, Cross Egypt Challenge

Baby wheelie, Cross Egypt Challenge

Epic photo opp, Cross Egypt Challenge

Epic photo opp, Cross Egypt Challenge

Scooters mania, Cross Egypt Challenge

Scooters mania, Cross Egypt Challenge


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127 months ago



127 months ago

Egypt - not a country I'd ever anticipated riding in, but now i kind of want to. I'd prefer my KTM to the scooter though


127 months ago

This is crazy enough to try. I want to see Luxor, but too bad every country in the world has issued a travel advisory for Egypt. @barb waiting in anticipation to hear about your experience on this ride.