
100 months ago

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- Route

Great Loop

Distance: 431.5 Km / 268.9 Mi Duration: 07:03:53

Tried something new today was most enjoyable. Definitely a welcome change of pace on a long weekend!

The first half of the day on the back roads was wide open, hardly any cars and some nice twisties. There were some older sections of Westside road that caution should really be taken but they are working on fixing those, so kudos to them. But I figure it's okay to slow down & smell the roses sometimes πŸ˜‰

The second half of the loop was a fast paced ride home along hwy 97. A welcome change from the bumper to bumper crawl I experienced a couple days ago on hwy 97 towards Kelowna.

That summer hwy traffic reminded me that I really need to check out alternate routes ...& this one's a keeper. I'll be hangin' out in the back country more often this year haha.

Ride hard, ride safe, everyone!

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100 months ago

Thanks Scot! I had a ton of fun that day! It's always an adventure when you check out new roads πŸ˜‰ @CanAm99


100 months ago

Good for you! Nice route.


100 months ago

ESR says it took 7 hrs but it doesn't take even near that. I stopped a number of times & was chattin' with fellow bikers along the way ...all the while ESR was counting time lol. The loop itself is prob only a 3 1/2 hr ride. I had an extra hour and a half getting to and from the loop ...& obviously spent a lot of time chit chatting & eating XD