
100 months ago

 - via Android

- Route

HRA return from Idaho Falls to Hill AFB

Distance: 495.2 Km / 308.5 Mi Duration: 06:04:21

Sure, you can take the I-15 and get back in under 3 hours, but where is the fun in that. We headed east on I-26, alongside the snake river and Palisades reservoir. Gassed up in Alpine. Headed down the I-89 to the 34. Quite surprised by the 34 on the way to Soda Springs. Nice stretch along the stream, with a several sweeping turns. Topped off and stretched the legs in Soda Springs. Down the 30 to Montpelier. Continued to Bear Lake. Stopped for lunch at Coopers at the Utah Idaho border. They got good food and awesome views. Check out the pictures. From there it was the final stretch to home. Down the 30 to the 16 to Woodruff. Then through the twisties of Monte Cristo and Trappers Loop.

Palisades Reservoir

Palisades Reservoir

34 from Alpine to Soda Springs

34 from Alpine to Soda Springs

More of the 34

More of the 34

Bear Lake

Bear Lake

View from Coopers.

View from Coopers.

Coopers is on a golf course.

Coopers is on a golf course.

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100 months ago

Looks great, can't wait for summer here again in Australia so I can take some photos like this


100 months ago

Wow, not what I expected from Northern Idaho. Keep meaning to do a ride out there. Thanks for the route. It's added to the featured stories. Keep posted!


100 months ago

Thanks. There are quite a few nice roads in riding range of northern Utah. Wish my Gopro hadn't died before Monte Cristo. That was a beautiful section of the ride too.


100 months ago

Awesome...nice pictures