
92 months ago

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- Route

King of the Wild Frontier, Northwest Territories

Distance: 623.8 Km / 388.6 Mi Duration: 06:43:19

Northwest Territories: Dial in your difficulty

If you wanna ride your beast in the NWT, you can now just point it north up toward Hwy 35/1 out of Edmonton, Alberta and keep going till you or your motorcycle's had enough. Of course, if you want to actually enjoy the experience of this epic route, you’ll need to sort your bike, gear, spares, repair knowhow and travel plans before departure.

Hard men and women riders flock here annually. Suffice to say it’s stunning, challenging and unforgettable. Flat tires are a likelihood, as are the possibility of bear or moose strikes. Photos by http://www.hmarc.com

On Hwy 1 just north of the Alberta border is Twin Falls Gorge Territorial Park, a great rest complete with camping and showers. A few miles further, and about an hour or so off track from Enterprise, is Hay River, at the southern shore of Great Slave Lake.

Back on Hwy 1, from there you’ll cross the great Mackenzie River and steam onward northeast, until you make Yellowknife.

Leave early and check to make sure gas stations are open and spaced according to your bike's range or BYOG.

Where to Stop

Apart from Twin Falls and a number of other waterfall lookouts, there are not a lot of towns and no cities until Yellowknife. Be sure to make hotel or campground reservations to avoid sleeping rough in bear country.

The obligatory shot; King of the Wild Frontier - Northwest Territories

The obligatory shot; King of the Wild Frontier - Northwest Territories

Alexandra Falls is one of a few along the way; King of the Wild Frontier - Northwest Territories

Alexandra Falls is one of a few along the way; King of the Wild Frontier - Northwest Territories

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