
123 months ago

 - via web

- Route

Kørsel 8

Distance: 83.1 Km / 51.8 Mi Duration: 02:01:21

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123 months ago

@grusgaard Great!  I'm looking forward to it!

(by the way, what is the significance/meaning of "grusgaard" - sounds like a Viking!)



123 months ago

@Sluck255 My English okay i guess. Been tampered with it since 3rd grade or something like that. My French sucks.

I will start taking some photos of my rides. Especially the mid/northern part of "Sjælland" is great. Curves, hills, forrest etc.

I have some pictures of my bike in my backyard. But during the next months there will be more including the great nature of Denmark 🙂


123 months ago

@grusgaard  how's your English?  (you can try me on French...)

I admit I am ignorant about the geography of Denmark - would love to see some pictures of your route and your bike and what it's like to ride in Denmark and nearby countries.

Looking forward to your riding stories!
