
96 months ago

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Lewiston and Spiral Highway A.K.A. "Old Lewiston Grade"

Distance: 24.9 Km / 15.5 Mi Duration: 00:27:23

Old Lewiston Grade A.K.A. The Spiral Highway

Old Lewiston Grade A.K.A. The Spiral Highway

When put together these two roads provide some of the best riding in Idaho, a ton of turns. The Old Lewiston Grade road, plenty of history there, built in the 1800's, runs out of the town of Lewiston eventually connecting to the newer, wider, ID-95. You can expect a lot more cars on 95, the riding remains just as good though, with views of the Lewiston Valley and all the way to Washington State.

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96 months ago

Did this ride when I was 17 years old ( I'm now 64) on my brothers borrowed Honda 305 super hawk. I had left Langley British Columbia that morning to go down and hang out with my cousin in Lewiston. Arrived at the top of that hill about 9:00 that night. Tired and exhausted I couldn't believe how long it took to get to the bottom.

Unfortunately, one the way back around Seattle the engine seized up so fast it tore the spokes out of the rear tire and sent me flying down I-5 at about  70 mph. fortunately it was raining and I slid into a grassy wet median and came to an uninjured stop. Would love to come down on my Gold Wing and try that hill one more time for old time sakes. Cheers, Gary
