
141 months ago

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Northern Ontario Motorcycle Roads - Grand Algoma, Ontario, Canada

Distance: 657.4 Km / 409.6 Mi Duration: 08:34:25

The Grand Algoma Tour

It's probably one of the least appreciated routes in Northern Ontario, but it may also be the most spectacular.

Twisty roads on the Gram Algoma Tour

Twisty roads on the Gram Algoma Tour

The route east from Sault Ste. Marie (the Soo) is highly recommended

Take a side trip to St. Joseph's Island before heading to Thessalon and going north on Highway 129. Fill up at the Tunnel Lake gas station, and head north towards Highway 556. Last year there was about 3-4km of gravel on this road, and really ugly gravel at that, but it may be fixed by now - if it is, this is one of the most fun roads in the province, starting with long sweepers and quickly changing to a series of aggressively technically back and forths and ups and downs.

Head west at the town of Chapleau on Highway 101 and experience my favourite new discover - the 50 or so KMs before reaching the town of Wawa. There are massive cliffs on one side (even saw the entrance to an abandoned mine there) and water on the other, through long curves.

Then settle in for what is most often referred to as a "bucket-list" ride. There aren't many words for the ride south from Wawa to the Soo, but here's a few. Massive, Spectacular, Epic, Mind-blowing, Awesome, Inspiring. Stop off at Salzberger Hof Resort North of the Soo for one the best restaurants in the area.

Riding along Lake Superior - Grand Algoma Tour

Riding along Lake Superior - Grand Algoma Tour

scenic riding along Lake Superior - Grand Algoma Tour

scenic riding along Lake Superior - Grand Algoma Tour

View from motorcycle - Grand Algoma Tour

View from motorcycle - Grand Algoma Tour

Then settle in for what is most often referred to as a "bucket-list" ride

There aren't many words for the ride south from Wawa to the Soo, but here's a few. Massive, Spectacular, Epic, Mind-blowing, Awesome, Inspiring. Stop off at Salzberger Hof Resort North of the Soo for one the best restaurants in the area.

This is the kind of road that makes god wish he was a motorcyclist. The incredible, pristine waters of Lake Superior on one side and the mammoth mountains and plunging valleys of Algoma on the other with plenty of spots to pull off and appreciate one of dozens of smaller bays along the way. What else can be said other than, enjoy the ride.

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