
135 months ago

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- Route

StayinSafe 'Switzerland of Ohio Tour' ... Day 1

Distance: 54.6 Km / 34.0 Mi Duration: 03:24:11

Great Ride with Eric Trow of training tours along with, Jeff, Adam and Bob ... Highly Recommended for all riders ... And great fun !

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135 months ago

obviously ... meant to say 2 LANE roads ... nothing 'lame' about them! thanks to kdog for pointing out the error ... although very funny!


135 months ago

Most are just 2 lame roads ... Worth the ride ... Will keep you on your toes with some great views along the way!


135 months ago

I like to take 26 to Marietta every summer, I really like the roads out there


135 months ago

Truly a Switzerland ... Lots of elevation changes ... Not the 'flat' section of Ohio most are familiar with .. Challenging and FUN! Will be posting more of this tour along with some pics


135 months ago

I didn't know there was a "Switzerland" in Ohio. Just checked some of the bends on Streetview and they truly do look great riding. I might have to come out to Ohio soon