
122 months ago

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- Route

Sultan Basin Road, WA - From Sultan to Spada Lake and back to Sultan

Distance: 57.8 Km / 36.0 Mi Duration: 01:23:27

Spada Lake, Washington

Spada Lake, Washington

Perfect for dual-sport bike riders, this fun motorcycle ride will run you from Sultan, Washington to Sultan Basin Road towards Spada Lake.

The route starts with a straight stretch but soon, as you approach Winters Lake, you'll be enjoying the twisty scenic forest of Sultan Basin Road surrounded by mountains and trees.

The last few miles of Sultan Basin road are gravel/dirt, and that's why this is recommended for dual sport riders. When you find the end of the road, turn right and take NF-6129 road to enjoy a breathtaking view of Spada Lake then head back towards Sultan. Expect light traffic but beware of blind corners and motorists driving at 35 MPH!


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