
107 months ago

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The Furka Pass is 12 hairpins in 31km, Switzerland

Distance: 30.9 Km / 19.3 Mi Duration: 00:39:18

The Furka Pass is an ancient road, it was already in use in Roman times linking Gletsch and Andermatt in the Swiss Alps. Furka is one of the highest passes in Switzerland topping out at 2,463 metres. Understandably, it's closed in the winter months, often until as late as June.

If you go, expect steep slopes at 11% gradient, hairpin turns, switchbacks and sharp, blind corners making this a white-knuckle ride to all but the most experienced riders. At least the road is wide and perfectly surfaced - this is Switzerland, after all.

The Furka Pass, Switzerland as seen from Andermatt in the Swiss Alpes

The Furka Pass, Switzerland as seen from Andermatt in the Swiss Alpes

Furka Pass switch backs for only the most experienced riders

Furka Pass switch backs for only the most experienced riders

In 1964, James Bond made the hairpin bends of the Furka Pass famous in the film 'Goldfinger'. Remember this?

PURE James Bond Furka Pass - Alpine Driving Experience

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