
123 months ago

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- Route

The Longest Day

Distance: 710.7 Km / 442.8 Mi Duration: 09:16:52

It wasnt an attempt to break a personal record for most hours in the saddle but thats how it turned out...

But, as always, it was worth it!

I was supposed to ride up to Ajax ON (east of Toronto) to stay at a friend`s Friday night - but that plan fell through, so I had to leave from Niagara Falls in the early morning.

I met Noel in Scarborough and off we tore down Hwy 401 to Coburg, ON. From there we worked the back roads up to Bancroft, ON, then a little further north to kiss the bare southern tip of the mighty Algonquin Provincial Park. Then we worked windingly westward eventually to stop in at a friend`s cottage.

Narrowly escaping being eaten alive by mosquitoes (its a good thing they arent the malarial species or Canadians would have been wiped out long ago...) but still having blood ripped from us by force, it was back ont he road again, southbound towards Peterborough.

As always is the letdown as the pavement straightens and more traffic appears until we are back in that vortex of Toronto.

I peeled off to my friend in Ajax, and Noel carried on back home.

But I wasn`t done yet. My friend wanted me to go with her to pick up a 2008 CBR125R which she recently purchased (I went along originally). So a drive into central Scarborough and then a tear back across the city (not trusting 125 ccs to the highway just yet) to Ajax.

After some supper I mounted up an rode back to Niagara Falls arriving home after 1:30 am.

I think I may have done more miles - on that occasion most of the riding was highway miles - but that was definitely the longest day.

And was smiling all the way.


Longest Day Pause Trent River ON.jpg

Longest Day Pause Trent River ON.jpg

Dubugging Bancroft ON.jpg

Dubugging Bancroft ON.jpg

North of Bancroft ON.jpg

North of Bancroft ON.jpg

North of Bancroft2 ON.jpg

North of Bancroft2 ON.jpg

Longest Day photo stop.jpg

Longest Day photo stop.jpg

Longest Day Sky Lake and Twistie.jpg

Longest Day Sky Lake and Twistie.jpg

Longest Day Lake1.jpg

Longest Day Lake1.jpg

Longest Day Cottage.jpg

Longest Day Cottage.jpg

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123 months ago

Oh and if I include the ride back to Niagara Falls - my trip-omoter on the Ninja said over 600 miles (American miles, not Kanadian miles - kms) for the day.  Not exactly iron butt... but because riding at 80km/h zones - a long day.  Not complaining!  Just sayin'



123 months ago

By the way, @Alex and Eric have a new release to deploy tomorrow that should fix this strange thing you've managed to do 🙂 We're riding up north again this weekend if you want to join in.


123 months ago

Hey Slyck255 I'll check it out. Nice shots, I'll add a few I took of you guys taking off. I've got to convince Noel to switch bikes with me for a day!


123 months ago

i dont know what it is about the route function - it wont let me put all the points in to show all the back roads - the route actually done is at least another 40 min longer than what is shown - but at least it gives you a starting point if you want to try it out!
