
138 months ago

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2013 - What's your Adventure?

2013 - What's your Adventure?

Well another year is upon us, and spring is certainly struggling to make its come back. I figured I would take this time to allow us to reflect on the upcoming riding season find out what adventure planes you have and explain mine. (Be sure to post your comments below)

June 28th we set out on our yearly road trip, the theme for this year is a little more adventurous than 2012's Boston on Beans trip.

3 guys, 10 days and 16 States?

You read correctly, this will be an epic trip pushing both our bikes and our ‟out of shape” bodies to the limits, well close to the limits.

Just to give you a sense of where we will be going take a look at the images below is a list of the cities we will see.

2013 road trip image a

2013 road trip image a

2013 road trip image b

2013 road trip image b

Not only will the distance be unusual for us but so will our accommodations, we will be avoiding the typical hotel/motel stays and instead will depend on craigslist.com and couchsurfing.org to arrange for local stays in people's homes. Why would we do this you ask? Well other than being able to save some money (hopefully) we'll have someone to show us around and maybe a place to do laundry etc. We are packing light for this trip so consideration must be made as to what to bring. Some of the (Must have) items. These are in no particular order

  1. Cash and Credit cards
  2. Medical Insurance
  3. GPS (iPhone)
  4. Laptop
  5. US Cell Phone
  6. EZ Pass (no more paying tolls)
  7. Chargers for electrical devices
  8. Repair & tire patch kits w/air cylinders to refill
  9. Road side assistance cards (CAA etc.)
  10. Touring gear (waterproof, layers etc.)
  11. Helmet communication (Scala Rider etc.)
  12. Camera
  13. Clothes
  14. First Aid
  15. Water & Food
  16. Deer Whistles

Our plan is to leave home base in the early hours of the morning and to be at the border by dawn, this will provide us many hours of daylight as we make our way to our overnight stop in Cincinnati. In our Boston on Beans run we started at night and rode through the entire state of New York in the dark, not only was this very dangerous we found it fatigued us greatly as it threw our internal clocks off and we missed seeing anything of interest (not that there is much on the interstate). We also hope to hit many great motorcycle routes and have compiled them into our GPS software to ensure our days are filled with great riding along with all the amazing scenery the US has to offer, our nights will be for fun and adventure within major cities of the States we visit and hopefully with some new friends we meet along the way.

In conclusion, we're still in the planning stages of this trip. Getting gear together and planning our stays.

So, what great adventure is on your mind, will you make it a reality?

Stay tuned….

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135 months ago

Leaving Friday 6am !!!!


138 months ago

Nice ride! And that's great, I look forward to seeing your trip posts.


138 months ago

Thank you, Yes I have a iPhone and I woudl love to check the app out, saw you guys briefly at the show, you were so busy I didn't want to disturb.


138 months ago

Amazing ride! Looking forward your ride reports. Do you have an iPhone? If you do, you can use our App to record and share your routes. I can send you a preview version.


138 months ago

I ride a 2011 Honda CB1000R it's a naked bike so I will be mounting a touring screen and of course some luggage. I will post my entire adventure on ESR.


138 months ago

Wow. What bike are you riding? I hope you will post your trip log on here cause I would be super interested to follow your progress


138 months ago

Oh I don't disagree at all, I can't imagine the cost if I took my car/truck to do the same trip.


138 months ago

Not much in fuel, sounds like a bargain. Especially if you are going to have that much fun 🙂


138 months ago

Thanks, let's have fun with math, average tank we'll say 300km at about 17 bucks to fill. Still over 300 bucks just in fuel.


138 months ago

6,000 km is a helluvalot, good luck 🙂


138 months ago

works out to be just over 6000km's I don't think it is anywhere near a iron butt, but we will have some 1000 km days.


138 months ago

Can't wait to see it! How long is the ride, is it an Iron Butt 10 times over? 🙂


138 months ago

You know it, the entire trip will be logged with plenty of photo's and video.