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5 Tips to Write a Good Motorcycle For Sale Ad

Kansas, United States

5 Tips to Write a Good Motorcycle For Sale Ad

5 Tips to Write a Good Motorcycle For Sale Ad

The internet is a great way to sell a motorcycle. That does not mean you can just throw something together and expect inquires to come rolling in. Take some time and do it right. That means lots of good photos, being honest, providing adequate details, avoiding common mistakes, and writing it well. Here are five tips to write a good motorcycle for sale ad.

Good Pictures

Before you do anything else, give your motorcycle a good wash. You will get way less inquiries if you post pictures of a dirty bike. Your motorcycle could be in great condition, but all the buyer sees is someone who couldn’t be bothered to even wash it. People might wonder how well maintained you have kept the vehicle. Take a photo from both sides of the bike. Get a photo of the speedometer as well as any accessories it has. Take six or seven good shots of the motorcycle, give the buyer a good idea of what they’re getting into before they come to view.

Highlight the Positives, But Stay Honest

Think a minute about what is unique and positive about your motorcycle, something not every bike has. Have you made any upgrades to it such as a new paint job, new headlight, etc? Have you had any repairs done recently? If your motorcycle is fuel efficient you can include that in the ad as a perk. Remember to be honest with your ad. If you have a salvaged title, flood damage, mechanical problems, or aesthetic issues such as scratches, you should be up front about it.

Give Them the Information They Need

“Include any information the buyer will need to factor into their decision, and list it in bullet points so it’s easy to read. They’ll want to know the motorcycle’s mileage, make, model, amount of owners, if you have spare parts for it, what accessories have been fitted, and if you’ve got it, a full service history (FSH),” suggests Miguel Hanna, writer at OXEssays. The more details you can provide, the more effective your ad will be. You should also explain why you’re selling your motorcycle (people will ask,) but you don’t need to give them your whole life story. Don’t forget to include the asking price, and write “or best offer” if you’re flexible.

Well-Written Ads Get Results

Your goal should be clear communication when you’re creating your ad. Proper writing, editing, and grammar are all needed to produce an effective ad. Here are some resources you can use to make your ad as clear and effective as possible.

  1. StateofWriting / MyWritingWay: These are writing guides that will help simplify your writing process.

  2. Boomessays / UKWritings: Editing is a skill many people struggle with. These editing resources will help you turn out an ad that is polished and looks professional. They have been featured at UK Writing Services Reviews.

  3. ViaWriting / SimpleGrad: These are helpful tools you can access for assistance with your ad’s grammar. You’ll save plenty of time and a few headaches if you just get some expert help.

  4. Essayroo / PaperFellows: These are online proofreading tools; nobody likes proofreading, so let the professionals handle it. They work very well and have been covered at Write My Australia.

  5. AcademAdvisor / WritingPopulist: These sites both have blogs on all different topics regarding the writing process. Give them a read and see how you can learn from what other writers are doing.

Avoid the Common Mistakes

Let’s talk about a few things you shouldn’t do. Do not list your motorcycle on two different websites for two different prices. Doing this reflects poorly on you and makes you seem untrustworthy. Don’t ask for more than what your motorcycle is worth and expect it to sell anytime soon. If you really want that price, expect to wait a while, and be prepared to lower it. Don’t change your price every few days, if potential buyers notice they will be less likely to take you seriously and trust you. It’s quite common for buyers to watch an ad for a few days or even more, so you could very well scare off a potential buyer. If you don’t have the time to deal with all the replies, don’t post your ad on more than one website.


Selling your motorcycle can be a simple and positive experience, if you know what you are doing. Give the reader all the necessary information, take some quality photos, be honest, work on your writing skills, watch out for the common mistakes and you will sell your motorcycle in no time.

Grace Carter is a tech editor and writer at Academized and Assignment Writing Service, where she curates content submissions and writes about latest trends. Also, Grace teaches business writing at Assignment Help academic website.

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