
99 months ago

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A Moto Guzzi Ride Across the World - Short Documentary

Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy

No Maps. No GPS. No Plan. Andrea Livio’s journey began in 2010 from Stelvio, Italy and after almost 3 years he returned to Stelvio having travelled the world on his Moto Guzzi. Coincidently, Stelvio is also the name of Moto Guzzi’s heavyweight adventure bike.

Andrea Livio - Stelvio2Stelvio

Andrea Livio - Stelvio2Stelvio

Stelvio2Stelvio, a short experimental documentary takes us alongside Andrea on a journey around the world with more than just a few bumps in the road. We get to see him travel through 37 countries, over 100,000km and meet some interesting characters along the way.

Stelvio2Stelvio - At the Arctic Circle

Stelvio2Stelvio - At the Arctic Circle

“Stelvio2Stelvio is not a race nor a parade with a motorcycle across famous roads or places.” It is a journey. An adventure, that day by day, without demands and within the limits of my possibilities” – Andrea

See the journey at: Vimeo

See more videos at: Stelvio 2 Stelvio

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99 months ago

@marina I don't think so. Would be difficult to bring one on the bike.


99 months ago

Did he use a drone for the Stelvio arial shots? I'd like to see more of that.