
138 months ago

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Africa with Charley Boorman

Near Clanwilliam

Near Clanwilliam

In August 2011 my wife and flew to South Africa to ride 5000km across South Africa, Namibia, and Zambia.

A great trip if anyone is thinking of doing it. I had very little off road experience but managed all of the roads without too many problems.

We wrote a blog about it and I can give the details if anyone is interested.

A fantastic trip with people from all over the world who are now good friends.

Cheers Bryce

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138 months ago

Righto, Our blog is at Its just called Africa, sorry but I think the the post are in reverse order. There is a few few clips on YouTube as well. Search for BeautStretch. A few of the others have put videos up as well. A search for Charley Boorman Africa will find them. The ones by Pete are quite funny! Will see what I can do about posting the whole route.


138 months ago

I'd like to see it too.