
98 months ago

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All ready to ride!

Williams, United States

The bike is packed, serviced and ready to go. Departure time is 5:00 am tomorrow morning. 10 states in 10 days with an estimated 3000 miles to go.

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98 months ago

@zyonsdream enjoy that ride and have some lobster for us on your journey 🙂


98 months ago

@macdracer we are doing the north east. NY, NJ, Conn, RI, Mass, ME, VT, NH and then back into PA. We went as far west as TN last year and I have to say that Western NC and eastern TN was some of the best riding I've done.


98 months ago

@zyonsdream where are you headed, rough states?  If you get within a short ride of Charlotte, I'll meet up with you.