
136 months ago

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Another great motorcycle movie now on YouTube - On Any Sunday

if you've not seen academy award nominated documentary On Any Sunday, now's your chance as it's on youtube in it's entirety.

On Any Sunday Movie Poster

On Any Sunday Movie Poster

Released in 1971 and directed by Bruce Brown (he of surfer movie "endless summer" fame, it's a wonderful look at motorcycling in the early seventies. It mostly follows one of the greats, Malcolm Brown, as he basically enters just about any kind of motorcycle race you can think of and wins them all - Dirt tracking, trials, hare scrambles. It didn't matter. Malcolm could (and still does) ride with a skill and grace most of us can only aspire to.

Riding God Malcolm Smith

Riding God Malcolm Smith

You'll also see footage of Steve McQueen generally larking about in the sand, but also racing competitively. Don't let the fact that Steve partly paid for the movie fool you - he was a damn good rider promoting what he loved.

But it's not just the great and the good. The movie covers just about any kind of motorcycling you can think of: Desert racing to road, maintenance to motocross and even ice racing.

There's lots of this in On Any Sunday

There's lots of this in On Any Sunday

While a few "sequels" were made, none of them really captured the spirit and adventure of this movie and to this day, it remains one of the best movies about the motorcycle. If you haven't already seen it, now's your chance.

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