
3 months ago

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Aurora Borealis or Norther Lights will be visible this weekend across southern Canada and US and some parts of northern Europe

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

For the first time in nearly 20 years a G4 storm alert has been issued by the National Weather Service in the US. This is the second-strongest level of magnetic storm possible, caused by sun flares on the sun. Currently the sun flares have been observed to be the size of 15 earths. This could potentially disrupt power grids, satellites and communications on earth Friday and Saturday and could affect CRASHLIGHT motorcycle crash delivery notification services as a result. Be aware! (Anyway, avoid riding at night whenever possible.)

Expect Nothern Lights this weekend as imaged my Midjourney

Expect Nothern Lights this weekend as imaged my Midjourney

Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis, are caused by the interaction between the Earth's magnetic field and charged particles from the Sun, known as the solar wind. ⁠As the charged particles enter our atmosphere, they collide with gas atoms and molecules, primarily nitrogen and oxygen. These collisions cause the atoms and molecules to become excited and light up, creating the beautiful dancing lights that we see in the sky. ⁠The color of the Northern Lights depends on which gas atoms or molecules are hit and how high they are in the atmosphere. Oxygen atoms at higher altitudes produce a red glow, oxygen atoms at lower altitudes produce a green or yellowish-green color. Nitrogen atoms produce a blue or purplish-red color.

Aurora Borealis as imagined by Midjourney in downtown Toronto Canada

Aurora Borealis as imagined by Midjourney in downtown Toronto Canada

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2 months ago

The detailed explanation of how the Northern Lights form, including the interaction of solar wind with Earth's magnetic field and the resulting colorful displays from excited gas atoms, beautifully demystifies this natural phenomenon and enhances appreciation for its scientific wonder.
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2 months ago

Although I know that this is a dangerous warning for a storm, I find it beautiful.

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