
136 months ago

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Aviate , navigate, communicate ......

Here is a study done about left turns in traffic..... in cars. On hands free cell phones.

The article goes.....

The scans showed that the amount of brain activity and the number of brain regions required for different types of driving varied greatly.

"Nothing compared to the amount of brain that was needed to pull off the left- hand turn at the busy intersection," Schweizer said. "It was very, very striking."

Now ... In flying we are taught to...

Fly the plane,

Go where you want to go..

And talk last.

In any emergency.

This little bit will lead to my next piece on how Autonomous cars will save us all.

Ride safe.

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136 months ago

A thought provoking article for sure and a great reminder about the dangers of distractions while driving. Also a good heads up for when riding, especially when confronted with left hand turning traffic. Thanks for sharing that.