
86 months ago

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Bees and Bikers

Walla Walla, Washington, United States

Ok it's been less than a month of riding over here and I've already been stung by a bee and two other small resilient stinging insects. Is this a thing? What am I doing wrong?!

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86 months ago

lol ahh it would be the fast children you really have to worry about


86 months ago

and we just have signs that say "Caution Slow Children" <--- poor things lol


86 months ago

hahahaha yes be weary... there are actually some roads I completely avoid over by Milton-Freewater and Umapine because beehive boxes are set up next to the road. Usually you will see a sign for those roads telling you to slow down so you don't squash too many of their bees...


86 months ago

Good to know what to expect when I'm down that way next week lol


86 months ago

oh no! not the neck ack! well this is good and bad news. Good because I'm not messing up and offending the lil buzzers, bad news because I live in bee country and I'll have many more stings to come 😥


86 months ago

You're not doing anything wrong. I know guys who have been stung through t-shirts before. I think the fly stinger first sometimes. I've been stung on the neck once right as I was taking off my helmet.


86 months ago

lower back ( bee flew down my shirt I think) then a few days later on the butt and hip! (luckily not a bee)


86 months ago

Well I don't think you are doing anything wrong....

Where have you been stung? Any exposed areas are potential problems not only from insects but pebbles and other debris.