
137 months ago

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California Cruising

Since I got back into riding in 2008, I like to do some professional learning in US states that offer outstanding motorcycle roads. I'll take a course through work and stay an extra few days, rent a Harley and hit the open road. I have done this in California (two times), Utah (two times), and Tennessee.

This past February I took a course in Phoenix. The plan was to ride in southern Arizona, but the weather turned cold just as I was picking up the bike. So I decided to head over to California instead to cruise in some of the low-lying areas where there would be enough heat to keep me going for a while.

The temperatures in the valley along the Colorado River and in Death Valley were very nice: 60 - 75 degrees. I regretted taking one little loop out of Death Valley up through Beattie, NV and back into Death Valley via Scotty's Castle Road because the Nevada portion of the trip was on a mountain plateau at 3000 feet above sea level.  The temperatures dipped to under 40 degrees for about an hour and a half until I began my descent back into Death Valley at Scotty's Castle.

The last day's ride began with really cold temperatures as well.  It began at around 30 degrees as I made my way through the Mojave desert, and I shivered for about 3 hours until I finally descended into the Colorado River valley at Needles, CA.  Never have I been so happy to see a valley in all my life!  The temperature got comfortable again in a real hurry!

Even though there were moments on this trip when I was as cold as I can ever remember being (and that's saying a lot for a Canadian!)--would I do it again? You betcha! I live to ride!

All in all a great four days of riding in southern California - the land of everything big: big skies, big mountains, big sand dunes, and big stretches of deserted desert roads. 🙂


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137 months ago

Love death valley 🙂


137 months ago

Hi Alex. I work in website communications so I look for courses related to web design. Of course, there are courses with similar content available closer to home. My boss has figured out what I'm up to, but lets it go because he gets it...he rides too. LOL!


137 months ago

You make me envious. I've had very little chance to ride the Southwestern US and I get the impression I really am missing out. Which courses did you go to? Sounds like a great way to improve and see new sites.