
99 months ago

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Cannonball 500

Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada

Well it was a great ride! Cool temps and a little drizzle here & there but the scenery leaves me speechless. Beautiful is all I can surmise. 910 TTL kms for the day but my cell died and I lost my whole trip on ESR. Bummer! But I did manage a couple of quick pics during the race.

Kootenay Bay Ferry

Kootenay Bay Ferry





Galena Bay Ferry

Galena Bay Ferry









Infinite Powersports

Infinite Powersports

Mountain Motorsports

Mountain Motorsports

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86 months ago

looks like a great ride... dont feel bad this app does not. like my phone or vise versa and it crashes all the time... cant wsit to saddle up in the MUCH cooler weather up there. Rode a 425 mile work trip to central Louisiania last week and air temp was 101 degree at 4pm... uggg


88 months ago

@MotoVetGal Sorry I didn't see this post till today. Yes I bought a rechargeable battery pack for the phone so I won't lose this year's ride. Figured I should as this year is 1825kms over 36 hrs. and last year the cell died about 11 hrs. into the 13 hr ride. Ride Hard, Ride Safe;


89 months ago

I bought a solar charger & strap it on back of bike. It will always give a trickle charge while its charging up itself. Got it fm MEC for about $100. I had experienced similar cell phone issues.


99 months ago

@Roxenmoxengirl Hiya! I assume you're back home now? Hope your trip was memorable and fun. Yes I think I'm the only white bike in town lest the only white Yarley in the East Koots I The Slocan valley left me in awe. I plan on returning soon to do some exploring as I made mental notes of places along the way. Great run and pretty good weather all in all. I'm open to any suggestions for places to see in your neck of the woods. Good to hear from you my friend! πŸ™‚ ttyl


99 months ago

That sucks that you lost your ESR, but glad you had a good time! I'll have to keep a look out for a bright white Yammy πŸ˜‰ ...I'll definitely have to agree with you that the scenery up thru the Roger's Pass is stunning! I heard it's been snowing up there the last few days tho ...crazy weather! πŸ˜›


99 months ago

@NasserVZ Yes I wish I had taken more pics. Met some great Dual Sport Riders at both Ferry's. All in all it doesn't matter what one rides, all that matters is that one just rides! Thx for the comment. "Ride Hard - Ride Safe" πŸ™‚


99 months ago

Nice landscapes and cool bikes to ride with.


99 months ago

First 4 pics are Galena Bay (mis-tagged descriptions)