
17 months ago

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Captain America and Iron Man Seen on Scooters

Bangkok, Thailand

If you're getting as sick of super hero stuff and Marvel sticking their characters on just about everything as I am, then you might not want to read any further.

I don't know if either superhero would ride a scooter.

I don't know if either superhero would ride a scooter.

The latest marketing ploy is in conjunction with Honda Thailand and it features a pair of ADV 160 models emblazoned with Captain America and Iron Man livery. 

It's a somewhat circuitous way for Honda to celebrate Disney's 100th anniversary. I would have thought maybe Mickey Mouse would be a better choice, but what do I know? When I think Disney I think of that little glove-wearing rodent, not Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. However, I guess I can see the connection with Captain America and motorbikes and even with Iron Man and his vehicles and tech gadgets.

I have to say, though, that for my money, nothing can compare with the 1979 version of Captain America's bike. You can bask in its glory below.

Now this is what a Captain America cycle should look like.

Now this is what a Captain America cycle should look like.

What do you get with these custom branded scooters? A standard Honda 160 ADV with full Captain America stars-and-bars graphics, including shield, or Iron Man's red and gold with a helmet graphic. Other than the cosmetic treatments, the bikes are unchanged.

Honda is planning to produce 6,000 of these Marvel machines in total, 3,000 of each. They will be appearing in public at the Bangkok Motor Show on March 22. If you decide to buy yourself one of these scooters, you will also get a Marvel jacket included. 

For a little extra enjoyment and cycle action check out the video below. You'll thank me for it.

Captain America Double Feature (1979) - Clip Reel

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