
97 months ago

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- Story

Cleaning up the highway..

Burlington, North Carolina, United States

Yeah I am not wearing all of my gear, don't shoot me lol. 95 degrees and humid as all get out here. Anyway, I saw a box and the vacuum cleaner that once resided in it, in the middle of the road. So I played the part of the responsible citizen and turned around to pick it up. Well as I was grabbing the box, parked in the center lane of a 5 lane highway. A cager, that wasn't paying attention (shocker I know) plowed into the vacuum and decided to take it home with them. I got a good laugh out of their stupidity.

Cleaning up the highway..

Cleaning up the highway..

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96 months ago

If they didn't see the vacuum, they probably didn't see you! Way to Good Citizen 👍🏻


97 months ago

@jasonisdn  Great story.   Glad they hit the vacuum and not you!