
108 months ago

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Crashing Malaysian style

Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia

They say you're not a real biker until you've fallen off! In all my years of biking I've fallem off four times, once on oil, once on ice, once when two stupid foreign tourists ran out into the road in front of me in London so that I knocked them down and once when I was 18 and showing off!

Today I was doing my usual commute into KLCC and was joining the highway when the cars in front stopped suddenly. I braked sharply but the front wheel locked up and the bike just went over, sliding down the road with me underneath it!

A couple of other bikers stopped to help and pick up the bike. I thanked them and quickly jumped back on the bike, as you do, only to discover that the front wheel and handlebars were pointing in opppsite directions. Other damage included a broken headlight cowl and indicator and scratches on the handlebars, brake lever, mirror, front wheel mudguard, top box and exhaust. Having said that, it now looks the same as nearly every other bike in Malaysia!

I twisted the forks straight as best I could and pulled over to a safe spot. As soon as I got off the bike I went into shock and felt faint and physically sick. I had badly grazed my leg and grazed my arm and hip as well as jarred my neck and shoulder. My jeans were ripped and bloody and my leg had immediately swollen such that I couldn't walk on it.

After a suitable rest to recover, i got back on the bike and limped to Kajang to my friendly local bike shop who immediately set about fixing the bike. Within just four hours, the bike was fixed up, excepting scratches, and I am ready to go back to work tomorrow. The swelling has gone down and my leg is bandaged up andI feel almost as good as new, the most damage being perhaps to my pride.

But now I can truly say that I am a Malaysian biker!



Headlight and indicator

Headlight and indicator



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107 months ago

Well there is a saying, "there are two kinds of biker, those who have fallen and those about to fall" I just had my first fall last week, let's get up and keep riding.Bueno hay un dicho, "hay 2 clases de motociclista, los que se cayeron y los que se van a caer"La semana pasada tuve mi primera caida, levantemonos y sigamos rodando.


108 months ago


Ouch! Mine's drying out now but still have badly bruised him, calf and collar bone. The monsoon rain starts typically at 6pm every day, just as I finish work, and usually lasts at least until I get home. I arrived soaked through to the skin and it's apparently going to be like this until February! Real bummer


108 months ago

I did that when I was 14 years old, only I took it down to the bone, kneecap anyway. It grew back but I was picking asphalt gravel out of it for almost a year. Wow, that monsoon rain does not sound fun at all. 😕


108 months ago



Actually clothing is a real issue here.  Most people wear open face helmets, if they wear one at all, tee shirts and open toed sandals with bare feet. I can't ride like that,  I like the security of decent biking gear.  I have a sturdy waterproof jacket by Trespass, steel toe capped boots by Caterpillar and a Schoei full face helmet. The trouble with biking gear, however, is that in a topical climate, the heat makes you want to pass out and can be almost as dangerous as wearing nothing! Additionally it is now monsoon season so, particularly in the afternoons on my way home, I face rain such as some of you may never have seen, and I still ride in


108 months ago

Damn, the knee looks bad but the bike looks like it made it. Sorry to hear you had a tumble. You may need Kevlar knee pads or Kevlar jeans and CrashLight®