
94 months ago

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Dainese LE "Tattoo" Race Suit

Compton, California, United States

A bit too floral for me

A bit too floral for me

Dainese for decades has been in the forefront of cutting edge motorcycle and racing safety gear. While their technology is cutting edge, they still manage to execute their products with serious style. Many of their innovations trickle down from MotoGP and WSBK in the form of increasingly complicated airbag systems and proprietary leathers, materials and construction methods. While this suit is one of the most advance suits available to the general public, it's real hook and selling point is it's custom "Tattoo" design, and the fact only 20 of these suits were produced. Also the titanium co-injected shoulder sliders and custom made for this suit and look awesome. Easily my favorite part of the suit, I'd even like to upgrade my Aspide suit's aluminum sliders to these if it were possible. Be sure to give them a thorough look.

Front shot

Front shot

Back shot

Back shot

The Titanium shoulder sliders are gorgeous

The Titanium shoulder sliders are gorgeous

Fish scales look cool

Fish scales look cool

Personally, I think the suit is pretty cool. Maybe not 3500$ (before tax and alterations), but still noteworthy nonetheless, especially when you treat this product like eye candy, and not a serious purchasing option. While I'm perfectly content wearing a regular Dainese suit and having my tattoos on my actual skin, and I can still see the inherent and unique "cool value" this one piece offers. I can't help but notice the slight "Ed Hardy"-like style, which makes me worry that the only potential buyers of this will be inexperienced wealthy guys, the type who have never ridden, make 6-7 figures annually, and buy 11 or 1299 Panigales as their first bike, and only ride once or twice a year. My judgement and envy aside, it's a pretty neat suit design, and it's always interesting to see someone like Dainese, offer their quality of product, while using a look that wouldn't appear out of place on a speed and strength or Icon product. So do you love it or hate it or are you somewhere inbetween?

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93 months ago

nìçe gear


93 months ago

Absolutely perfect.


93 months ago

@OGSXR600 Thanks for your help. have a good day. 🙂


93 months ago

@VeerChyer I stumbled across the ad for this suit on craigslist in Los Angeles. I checked so I could send you the link but they've since taken the ad down or it expired. If you google "Dainese Tattoo Suit" you'll get a lot of results. I noticed another one of these suits being sold on eBay a few months ago so if you're patient I bet you find one. It also appears dainese has made a few different versions of this suit. There's also a woman's too. Sorry I couldn't be more help.


93 months ago

Hi, is it still available for sale? May I know where did you get these photos? thanks.


94 months ago

@czriders it's more of a creme/khaki color than gold, however I think the concept is cooler than the execution. Even if money wasn't a factor I wouldn't ever want to wear this suit with the designs on it


94 months ago

The idea is ok. The gold-ish color is kind of cheap looking. Sorry to be negative.


94 months ago

@OGSXR600 - Now that does sound about right


94 months ago

@alex I like to imagine some speed and strength/icon fan thinking "Finally, Dainese making some gear with sweet tribal/flame designs"


94 months ago

@OGSXR600 - have to agree. this is not the sort of thing you would normally expect from the kings of Italian leather. 

I half expect 80's Bon Jovi to be wearing it. That pattern screams hair-metal.


94 months ago

@Edidas I have a hard time imagining this actually being worn. I more see it hanging in a glass case or on a wall next to some other "collectors item" type race suits. Part of me is surprised Dainese even released a suit like this. Literally, not their typical style.


94 months ago

that's a beautiful track suit... kinda pricey tho, love the look but hate to see someone crash in it...