
87 months ago

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Day12: Final Day

Williams, United States

Today we rode 441.8 miles home. The weather was in the mid 50's and rainy towards the end of the ride. Welcome back to Pa I guess. All in all we had a great time until the last two days of the ride but that was due to family issues. We ended the trip with a total of 3266.7 miles. I'm to mentally fried to figure out riding hours. Maybe I'll get around to that some time but right now I've got family to tend to. I'm hopeful that next year we can do a Great Lakes tour but I'll have to see.


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87 months ago

@allworld thank you. Yes, we had a blast. Weather was hot and the roads were not busy. We saw and did everything we set out to do. The bike was strong. Other than almost running out of gas on one occasion, we had no mechanical issues. I'd say my highlights were hanging out with @macdracer and @spdfntk from Loud Pipes podcast. Also enjoyed Disney as always. Seven-mile bridge was really cool but I don't think I'll make a return visit to the keys anytime soon.



87 months ago

It sounds like you had a good trip.

Hopefully your family matters will be resolved.


87 months ago

Correction, I did 3,236.7 miles. Geesh, I wish we could edit our own posts.