
98 months ago

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Day 3 - Part 1

United States

Sorry for the cliffhanger ...but day 3 is about to unfold πŸ˜‰

...I had to apportion day 3 into parts because it kept shutting down on me and losing the whole post!

Here goes...

Dinner - End of day 2

Dinner - End of day 2

We'd had beautiful weather for the first two days into our trip and were starting to feel more adept at reloading our bikes each morning. So on the morning of day 3, we were pretty excited to get going despite the rainy weather that had rolled in.

Excited to get going despite the rainy weather

Excited to get going despite the rainy weather

By the time we actually were ready to leave, the rain had abated somewhat so we decided to chance it and leave the rain gear in our tail bags.

Off we went to find a gas station since we had gotten in late the night before ...up and down the main drag ...& finally back to the motel ..."Where is your gas station?" Turns out we hadn't missed it at all; they just didn't have one lol. Off to Garibaldi 5 miles away. At least it wasn't far πŸ™‚

Hwy 101 from Tillamook down to Lincoln City is inland, but despite that, it's a beautiful ride thru some thickly forested areas. However, it is a rainforest and so there we were, on the side of the hwy, clumsily trying to wiggle into our rain gear in the rain. Ugggghhhh, is all I have to say!! But the dreaded garments work wonders ...never travel thru a rainforest without them! XD

I had planned to veer off and take in some lakeside scenery on Devil's Lake Rd around Lincoln City instead of boring city traffic but the road was closed. It wasn't so bad tho cause we decided to stop and waddle our dripping, marshmallow bods into a McDonald's to wait out the worst of the rain.

We soon mustered ourselves up and out again. A short ways after Depoe Bay, we stopped at Rocky Creek Scenic Viewpoint.

Rocky Creek Scenic Viewpoint

Rocky Creek Scenic Viewpoint

Blustery but beautiful

Blustery but beautiful

It was blustery but we couldn't care less with our marshmallow suits on πŸ˜‰

Enjoying the view

Enjoying the view

Rocky Creek Scenic Viewpoint

Rocky Creek Scenic Viewpoint

We actually saw a sea lion flitting about in the surf for a moment but it was gone the next.

Not far past this viewpoint was another turnoff for the Otter Crest Loop. This was just a little one-way, low speed paved trail winding along the coastline. We laughed and giggled as we rode on our "scooter tour", as we called it. It was completely fogged in but we so thoroughly enjoyed putt-putting along the short trail that we promised ourselves that we'd do it again on the way home πŸ˜ƒ

Before we returned to the 101, we thought we'd take a peek over this lookout to see what we could see despite the fog. Hahahaha, we could see absolutely nothing! It was SO surreal! It was like being on an island in the sky, stationed on a cloud. We knew there was a cliff there right in front of us but we were strangely comforted by the bright white nothingness that surrounded us. Again, we wanted to return to see what it would actually look like in clear weather.

(I wanted to insert a video of it here but I can't seem to choose any vids off my camera roll to add them. If anyone knows how to do it, let me know and I'll post them up in another post ...but for now, here's a few pics πŸ™‚

Misty Moments ❀

Misty Moments ❀

More Misty Moments

More Misty Moments

Paradise in the Mist

Paradise in the Mist

....Pick up the story in Day 3 -Part 2 πŸ˜‰

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97 months ago

Thanx Scott πŸ˜‰ ...Will get to Day 4 sometime ...whenever life slows down a little lol @CanAm99


97 months ago

@Roxenmoxengirl Great photos and details! Thx 4 sharing!