
22 months ago

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Dirt bikers get rowdy and attack city police

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Turns out that Philadelphia might not be the city of brotherly love after all.

At least if you're a cop trying to do your job and there are some rowdy off-roaders nearby.

Dirt bikers are running wild in Philly. Colin Lloyd/Unsplash

Dirt bikers are running wild in Philly. Colin Lloyd/Unsplash

A case in point: 

Just recently in Philly a group of dirt bike and ATV riders attacked police officers when they tried to impound a stolen dirt bike that was laying on the ground. The bike was dropped there after the rider crashed into the gas pumps while trying to elude police.

The hoodlums hurled bricks, bottles, and what-not at the officers.

This screen grab shows the action. Fox News

This screen grab shows the action. Fox News

Apparently it's not the first time this sort of violent activity with off-road bikes and on-road mayhem has been a problem in Philadelphia.

When I was a kid riding my dirt bike anywhere near city streets, I always tried to stay as far away from the police as possible. As old Bobby Dylan said, "the times they are a-changing."

This whole thing kind of gives a whole new meaning to 'streetfighter' in motorcycle lingo, doesn't it?

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21 months ago

FAHKING Lock em all up impound their shitty bikes, take away their license for 5 years and fine them $5,000 and maybe they'll learn some respect or find a new hobby or something that doesn't annoy and endanger published safety and violate laws . maybe Crochet, or break dancing


21 months ago

pass all the new laws you want, Krasner will let them out of jail before the tow truck gets the bike loaded


21 months ago

@zyonsdream Yeah, the officers showed some restraint. I think "idiots" is a pretty fair term.


21 months ago

This is why PA passed a law to get these bikes and the idiots on them off the streets. I guess it's a good thing the police didn't decide to "throw" things back at this trash.